Greater Omaha Packing Co., Inc.
For over forty-two years, Decker Plastics, Corp. (Decker). has been Greater Omaha Packing Co.'s (Greater Omaha) flexible packaging supplier. Greater Omaha expects its supplier to deliver the same high standard of product quality and service as it demands of itself in serving Its customers. Decker not only meets those expectations, but will often exceed them.
Decker delivers on Its service commitment in several ways: by providing next day delivery on our weekly order; by providing same day hand deliveries In cases where an unexpected need arises between weekly orders; and, by being prepared and available to accommodate any other need that may arise. Needless to say, Decker exhibits the highest levels of service.
As to product quality and customer support, including assisting Greater Omaha in staying abreast of Industry standards/developments and SQF certifications, Decker is a true partner as well.
We look forward to many more years of Decker's great service and this great partnership that has developed between Decker and Greater Omaha over the years.
Lavonne Lile
Purchasing Manager